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Conference Chairs:


Prof. Rabee H. Alabbasi,                    Southern Technical University, Iraq

Prof. Raed A. Abd-Alhameed,             University of Bradford, UK

Call for Papers

The timing of this conference coincides with the rise of Big Data, Artificial Intelligence-powered applications, Cognitive Communications, Green Energy, Adaptive Control, and Mobile Robotics towards maintaining the Sustainable Development and Smart Planning and management of future technologies. It is aimed at the knowledge generated from the integration of the different data sources related to a number of active real-time applications in supporting smart planning and enhance and sustain a healthy environment.


The conference also covers the rise of the digital health, well-being, home care, and patient-centered era for the benefit of patients and healthcare providers; in addition to how supporting the development of a platform of smart Dynamic Health Systems and self-management.


It is intended by this international conference to cover a comprehensive approach in order to provide the best possible set of International key performance indicators and new innovative models and services that could be used to improve the human lifestyle expected from the new future development of the smart cities. The conference provides an excellent opportunity for your work to receive that global expert touch given the multi-dimensionality in the different fields of inquiry.


The themes to be covered include any aspects of the major themes presented below. Please note that this list is collectively exhaustive in terms of field of inquiry – therefore you may literally submit any type of scientific research papers.


1. Engineering Technologies

2. Health and Medical Sciences

3. Agricultural and Water Sciences

4. Computational and Informational Sciences

5. Energy and Climate Change

6. Finance and Business Technologies

7. Green Industrial Technology

8. Natural Sciences and Technology

9. Virtual Education, e-Learning Techniques, and Social Sciences.


International Multi-Disciplinary Conference

Integrated Sciences and Technologies 2021

7-9 Sep. 2021 / Hybrid



Prof. Hakan S. Soyhan
Sakarya University, Turkey

Keynote title (Joint): The interaction between various engineering disciplines: the case of fuel applications
Bio and keynote abstract


Dr. Mansour Al Qubeissi
Coventry University, UK

Keynote title (Joint): The interaction between various engineering disciplines: the case of fuel applications
Bio and keynote abstract


Prof. Raed Abd-Alhameed
University of Bradford, UK

Keynote title (Joint): Energy Efficient Transceivers: Towards Green Communications and Internet of Things
Bio and keynote abstract


Prof. Walid A. Al-Hussaibi
Southern Technical University, Iraq

Keynote title (Joint): Energy Efficient Transceivers: Towards Green Communications and Internet of Things
Bio and keynote abstract


Prof. Nadir A G Ahmed
Idvac Ltd, Ex-Visiting Professor at Salford University

Keynote title: Plasma Technology for Surface Engineering and Medical applications.
Bio and keynote abstract


Prof. Adel O. Sharif
University of Surrey, UK

Keynote title: The Role of Technology in Addressing the World’s Challenges in Water, Energy and Food
Bio and keynote abstract


Dr. Rami Hikmat Al-Hadeethi
Vice President of International Relations, University of Victoria, UK

Keynote title: Importance of eLearning & Blended Learning in Institutes of Higher Education
Bio and keynote abstract


Dr. Luis Sanabria-Russo
Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya – CTTC, Spain

Keynote title: Broadening what Healthcare is: emergency prediction and mitigation in the 5G-and-beyond era
Bio and keynote abstract


You can find a list of all committees by clicking here


You can find further information about our esteemed keynote speakers by clicking here


You can find the conference program by clicking here


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Southern Technical Universirty

Hosting Organization

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Technical Management



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