
Prof. Hakan S. Soyhan
Sakarya University, Turkey
Keynote title (Joint): The interaction between various engineering disciplines: the case of fuel applications
Innovation and ideas are often generated at the interface of various engineering disciplines and industrial platforms, starting from fundamental observation of basic principles (TRL 1) to a proven technology in operational environment (TRL 9). The importance of such engineering interactions and technology readiness (from ideas to response to emerging demands) have been defined in our group with a focus on fuel related problem-solving techniques, ranging from the basic mathematical equations used for the chemical properties to the real-life applications (including fire suppression systems). This research, development, and innovation (RD&I) interaction is an accumulation of work in the last decade and will be discussed in this talk. It will explain how a balance between applied and basic data science and academia and industry can be provided, with a focus on our engineering systems.
Biography: Professor Soyhan has been a member of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, SU since 1992. He received his BEng (1992), MSc (1995) and PhD (2000) from Istanbul Technical University and undertook post-doctoral research in chemical kinetics at the Combustion Physics Division, Lund University, Sweden and on HCCI engines and chemical kinetics at Shell Global Solutions, Chester, UK. Currently, he is working on fuels and combustion studies in transport. He is the Head of Fire, Combustion and Energy Research Association and Head of the Combustion Institute, Turkey. Professor Soyhan is the Founder and Director of TeamSan Co, a member of the Turkish Societyof Mechanical Engineers.

Dr. Mansour Al Qubeissi
Coventry University, UK
Keynote title (Joint): The interaction between various engineering disciplines: the case of fuel applications
Innovation and ideas are often generated at the interface of various engineering disciplines and industrial platforms, starting from fundamental observation of basic principles (TRL 1) to a proven technology in operational environment (TRL 9). The importance of such engineering interactions and technology readiness (from ideas to response to emerging demands) have been defined in our group with a focus on fuel related problem-solving techniques, ranging from the basic mathematical equations used for the chemical properties to the real-life applications (including fire suppression systems). This research, development, and innovation (RD&I) interaction is an accumulation of work in the last decade and will be discussed in this talk. It will explain how a balance between applied and basic data science and academia and industry can be provided, with a focus on our engineering systems.
Biography: Dr Al Qubeissi is an Associate Professor in thermo-fluid mechanics and Course Director for Master of Engineering (MEng – mechanical, automotive and motorsport) programme at Coventry University, UK. He is Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and Chartered Engineer. He received his PgCert HE (1st) from Coventry University in 2016, PhD in engineering from the Sir Harry Ricardo Laboratories, University of Brighton, in 2015, DPhil in engineering from Rolls-Royce UTC, TFMRC, Sussex University, in 2012. He is experienced of computational thermo-fluid mechanics for a broad range of engineering applications (including IC engines, PV/T systems, Battery thermal management, Thermal fatigue, Gas-turbine engines). His research efforts have been disseminated via more than 100 research outputs in internationally refereed journal articles, conference proceedings and monographs. Also, he has been involved in project supervisions of above 100 UG/PG students, including 5 PhD/DSc projects.

Prof. Raed Abd-Alhameed
University of Bradford, UK
Keynote title (Joint): Energy Efficient Transceivers: Towards Green Communications and Internet of Things
Future communications will be pervasive allowing a massive number of users to access at the “touch of a button” to attain any service, at any time, on any device. This requires a future handset design that is multi-mode in nature, with multiple air interfaces, continuously scanning for available networks to ensure seamless service delivery. Beyond-4G and 5G applications paradigms have spurred extensive research into reconfigurable transceivers, and software-defined radios; two terms that go hand-in-hand to create a truly portable, ergonomically feasible and energy-friendly mobile terminal. However, practical implementations of future handsets are still in their infancy and significant research challenges example the developments of 5G still lie ahead in terms of complete multi-standard integration in the baseband and RF front-end. This keynote lecture targets some high-quality research and practical case studies in the very active field of reconfigurable transceivers and green communications-based NOMA-MIMO paradigms and physical layer security (PLS) approaches for future networks.
Biography: RAED A. ABD-ALHAMEED is currently a Professor of electromagnetic and radiofrequency engineering with the University of Bradford, U.K. He is the Leader of radiofrequency, antennas, propagation, sensor design, and signal processing including the Communications Research Group for many years within the School of Engineering and Informatics, University of Bradford. He has published over 800 academic journals and conference papers; in addition, he has co-authored seven books and several book chapters including seven patents. He is a principal investigator for several funded applications to EPSRCs and the leader of several successful knowledge Transfer Programmes, such as with Arris (previously known as Pace plc), Yorkshire Water plc, Harvard Engineering plc, IETG Ltd., Seven Technologies Group, Emkay Ltd., and Two World Ltd. He has also been a co-investigator in several funded research projects including 1) Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement H2020-MSCA-RISE-2019-eBORDER-872878; 2) H2020 MARIE Skªodowska-CURIE ACTIONS: Innovative Training Networks; 3) European Space Agency: Satellite Network of Experts V; 4) Nonlinear and demodulation mechanisms in biological tissue from Dept. of Health, Mobile Telecommunications & Health Research Programme. His interest in computational methods and optimizations, wireless and mobile communications, sensor design, EMC, beam steering antennas, energy-efficient PAs, and RF predistorter design applications. He is a fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology and a fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a Chartered Engineer.
Email:; Mobile: +44 7946419842

Prof. Walid A. Al-Hussaibi
Southern Technical University, Iraq
Keynote title (Joint): Energy Efficient Transceivers: Towards Green Communications and Internet of Things
Future communications will be pervasive allowing a massive number of users to access at the “touch of a button” to attain any service, at any time, on any device. This requires a future handset design that is multi-mode in nature, with multiple air interfaces, continuously scanning for available networks to ensure seamless service delivery. Beyond-4G and 5G applications paradigms have spurred extensive research into reconfigurable transceivers, and software-defined radios; two terms that go hand-in-hand to create a truly portable, ergonomically feasible and energy-friendly mobile terminal. However, practical implementations of future handsets are still in their infancy and significant research challenges example the developments of 5G still lie ahead in terms of complete multi-standard integration in the baseband and RF front-end. This keynote lecture targets some high-quality research and practical case studies in the very active field of reconfigurable transceivers and green communications-based NOMA-MIMO paradigms and physical layer security (PLS) approaches for future networks.
Biography: Walid A. Al-Hussaibi (S’07-M’12-SM’17) received the BSc and MSc in Electronics and Communications from the University of Basrah, Iraq, in 1991, and from the University of Science and Technology, Jordan, in 2000, respectively. In 2007, he received his Ph.D. in Wireless and Mobile Communications from Sussex University, UK. In 2012, he joined the Southern Technical University (STU), Iraq, as a faculty member, where he is currently a Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering (Head of the Department), BTEC. He has published over 60 academic journals and conference papers, including he is the leader of wireless communications in STU for which many research students work under his supervision. His research interests include massive MIMO, multiuser MIMO-NOMA, chaotic communications, channel capacity, 5G and beyond networks. He is an Editor of the IEEE Access and IEEE TechRxiv moderator.

Prof. Nadir A G Ahmed
Idvac Ltd, Ex-Visiting Professor at Salford University
Keynote title:Plasma Technology for Surface Engineering and Medical applications
Plasma is the fourth state of matters because it is neither a gas nor a liquid. Its properties are similar to those of both gases and liquids. Plasma consists of a complex collection of ionized gas with a positively and negatively charged particles, energetic neutrals, free electrons, photons and free radicals species. Each of these components has the potential of interacting with surfaces upon which they come in contact. For this reason, Plasma can be employed to modify surface properties of materials, or liquids without affecting the general characteristics of the base material. This keynote lecture will provide introduction to Plasma physics and Plasma generating processes. The lecture will discuss issues related to Plasma generation techniques including difference between vacuum and atmospheric Plasma. It will also highlight Plasma possibilities and limitations. Practical examples will help to better understanding the various fields of applications.
Biography: Prof. Ahmed is a professor of advanced materials and nanotechnology. He received his BSc in Physics from Basrah University, Iraq, then his MSc and PhD from the University of Salford, UK. He was a visiting professor at the Faculty of Science, Engineering & Environment, University of Salford, UK, from 2004-2013. He is the founder and managing director of Idvac Ltd. He presented papers in more than 90 international conferences, has more than 95 scientific publications and a book entitled (Ion Plating Technology) published by Wiley & Sons in 1987. He has 5 patents and won 4 SMART awards from the UK Department of Trade & Industry. In March 2013, he won the UK Technology Strategy Innovation Award. In April 2013, he received the GPCA, Dubai, award for product innovation. In April 2014, he was a finalist in the 'Talents in Plastics- Best Researcher' category of GPCA Plastics Excellence Award. In December 2016 he was awarded the Excellence in Holography for product innovation from IHMA, UK. Prof. Ahmed is a regular speaker at the International Holography conference and he regularly runs international training workshops on nano-materials using vacuum and plasma technologies. He also conducts various research and development projects for industrial companies and research institutions. His main activities are in advanced and nano-materials for security, packaging, solar and other niche markets.
Email: ;; Mobile: +44 7949266096

Prof. Adel O. Sharif
University of Surrey, UK
Keynote title: The Role of Technology in Addressing the World’s Challenges in Water, Energy and Food
Water, energy and food are the essential ingredients for life, but also fundamental factors in the economy and security of any country. Coupled with increased population and climate change effect, the availability of food, energy and water (FEW) are the biggest challenges that the world faces. Over the next nine years water demand will exceed water supply by about 40% according to many scientific studies and reports. Food and energy shortages have also been described by the former UK Government’s Chief Scientific Advisor, Prof. Sir John Beddington, to create the ‘’perfect storm’’ by 2030. It is predicted that both energy and food demand will increase by 50% by then.
The provision of drinkable supplies through desalination could offer a sustainable solution to the drinking water problem but also presents a technical challenge too. Seawater and brackish water are desalinated by thermal distillation and membrane methods such as reverse osmosis (RO) and electrodialysis. All these methods involve high operating and investment costs. RO is the most widely used desalination techniques, while thermal methods are mainly used in the Middle East countries. This is because RO requires restrict pre-treatment to reduce scaling, bio-fouling and the high-energy consumption, which have restricted its use in the ME countries.
Renewable energy (RE) sources, including solar, wind, tidal wave and biomass, could provide secure and sustainable energy sources. However, expensive equipment and high installation costs of these technologies, coupled with the uneven distribution of availability of these RE sources, have prevented them, so far, from being used widely. Availability of water and energy provides the base for food production. While water is needed for power production, energy is needed for water production hence the strong links.
Innovative water and power production processes have been invented and developed at the University of Surrey and Modern Water plc. The processes are based on the manipulation of the natural osmosis phenomenon a resulted with applications in desalination and power generation which are named Forward Osmosis (FO) and Osmotic Power (OP).
In an osmotic power plant, a large percentage of the chemical potential (osmotic pressure difference) of saltwater or any impure solution is converted into hydraulic pressure. The generated hydraulic pressure can be utilised for the production of electricity using a hydroturbine and a generator, or used directly through energy recovery systems for pumping or other purposes. The combination of OP with FO desalination process, coupled with other RE resources, such as solar could result in substantially lower energy consumption and less reliance on fossil fuels.
The technical obstacles being overcome in the FO desalination process are the avoidance of all scaling, bio-fouling, high operating pressures, and necessity for pre-treatments and the associated chemical wastes, which result in direct and indirect reduction of cost.
The FO desalination process has been developed from the lap to the market and data from the pilot plant and Modern Water’s commercial plants in Oman and Gibraltar demonstrated up to 30% saving in the specific energy consumption over a conventional RO process. The FO process also offers an increase in fresh water recovery rate coupled with minimal membrane fouling propensity and brine disposal. Additionally, the process can be retrofitted with existing RO and thermal plants with reasonable modifications.
Biography: Adel Sharif is Professor of Water Engineering and Process Innovation, and Founder Director of the Centre for Osmosis Research and Applications, (CORA) at the University of Surrey, UK. Prof. Sharif is a winner of The Queen's 2011 Anniversary Prize for Water Research and the 2005 UK Royal Society Brian Mercer Senior Award for Innovation in Science and Technology. He is also the winner of the 2008 Science Business first pan-European Academic Enterprise Award in the category of Energy/Environment. CORA water technologies were also awarded the Institute of Chemical Engineers 2011 Innovation and Excellence award in the Water Supply and Management category.
He is a founder of Modern Water plc, a London Exchange AIM Market listed company specialised in desalination and renewable power generation. Prof. Sharif is a member of the Qatar Foundation's Expatriate Arab Scientists Forum. He obtained his first degree in Chemical Engineering from Baghdad University in 1986, followed by M.Sc and PhD from University of Wales Swansea in 1989 and 1992 respectively. He has over 100 publications; is an inventor and co-inventor of more than 15 patents and has supervised over twenty PhD projects and more than 40 M.Sc dissertations.
Email: Email:

Dr. Rami Hikmat Al-Hadeethi
Vice President of International Relations, University of Victoria, UK
Keynote title: Importance of eLearning & Blended Learning in Institutes of Higher Education
E-Learning has become an educational technique due to its influential force in higher education. The convergence of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) provides powerful tools to introduce new educational technologies as well as the usage of online applications. Iraqi Institutes of Higher Education face a challenge in adapting to on-going changing market needs. An expedient way of fulfilling such requirements is to change to e-learning, the Internet, up-to-date IT infrastructure, an access to global web and educational technology. This keynote lecture highlights the importance of e-Learning and considers it as a survival strategy for Iraqi Institutes of Higher Education.
Biography: Dr. Rami Hikmat Al-Hadeethi is an international, award winning Professor of Industrial Technology & Operations Management whose solid understanding of business administration in an engineering context, passion for learning, and consultative leadership style are the driving forces behind a progressively successful 29+ year career. He enjoys inspiring students across the EMEA to achieve their full academic and personal potential. He is also a founder of academic departments, colleges and programmes in Iraq and Jordan, and participant in worldwide conferences.
Dr. Rami holds PhD and MSc in Industrial Technology and Operations Management both degrees from well-recognised UK universities and he is currently the Vice President for International Relations, University of Victoria, London, UK and. Moreover, he the Industrial Engineering Thematic Leader, Education Society Chapter, IEEE United Kingdom and Ireland Section and Director of Uruk Digital Training Centre, Iraqi Technologist Board in London, UK.
Dr. Rami has taught many undergraduate and postgraduate courses at several higher education institutions in the Middle East and has also successfully supervised and examined many postgraduate students both at Masters and PhD levels.
Dr. Rami has helped in setting up links with industry; this has added to his administrative knowledge and practical experience and has allowed him to improve his relations and links with the industrial sector. It has also allowed him to work on applied research, student graduation projects and student field training, focusing on several real-life industrial problems. Therefore, his scientific research efforts have resulted in the publication of 56 papers and three books.
Dr. Rami is an Internationally-recognised consultant with a unique prospective on mixing engineering knowledge and administrative abilities in the design, development, organizing and delivery of several worldwide short training courses that covers an extensive range of engineering disciplines and business-related topics. He is also certified in instruction and e-learning systems and experienced in teaching e-learning, distance learning and blended-learning courses and webinars and chaired e-learning conferences in the EMEA. Dr. Rami is a member of many unions, associations, societies and journal's editorial boards around the world.
Email:; Mobile: +44 7537899997

Dr. Luis Sanabria-Russo
Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya – CTTC, Spain
Keynote title: Broadening what Healthcare is: emergency prediction and mitigation in the 5G-and-beyond era
It is particularly easy to reconsider or even assert the relevance of remote healthcare assistance in 2021. The decade before the pandemic saw the popularity of IoT, and the surge of data science as key enabler of preventive treatments and trend analysis. 5G and beyond propose numerous enhancements at the Radio Access Network (RAN) segment, but also a drastic shift towards a cloud-native Core and the inclusion of near-user (Edge) Points-of-Presence (PoP) that enable extremely low latencies. This talk details the architectural components and reference implementation of a generic healthcare service which leverages edge resources (e.g., ETSI MEC) to provide healthcare emergency prediction and mitigation. It then extends it as to propose a generic architecture for the deployment of critical emergency services (i.e., requiring infrastructure management rights as to dynamically allocate network resources in case of specific events e.g., major disasters, security threats, etc.) on a scalable and specifications-compliant manner.
Biography: Luis Sanabria-Russo is a Networking and Communications engineer from Universidad Tecnológica del Centro, Venezuela (2008). He got his MSc. in Advanced Sciences of Modern Telecommunications from Univesitat de Valencia, Spain, and received his PhD in Information and Communications Technologies from Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona in 2012 and 2016, respectively. He is an ICT PhD Researcher with extensive hands-on experience in Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and hardware for the design, creation, management and troubleshooting of beyond 5G telecommunications infrastructure and services in the SMARTECH Department at CTTC. With an industry background, current research interests revolve around data-driven strategies that leverage cloud-native models and tools for emerging networks business models.